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Advice from Dear Webby
Nervous about Buying Gifts

Dear Webby,

I don't mind buying gifts for people; I can well afford it. I would even enjoy it if only I knew what to buy.

The people I buy for need nothing, but we do enjoy the gift exchange. I get so nervous after I bought the gift that it is not good enough and often at the last minute run out and buy something else. This time of year is very hard for me.

What to buy

Dear What to buy,

First of all count your blessings that none of your are in need. The gift exchange should be fun, so make it that.

Maybe you could buy everyone a different ornament each year. Or be the calendar lady and find unique calendars each year to fit each person's personalities. How about a bottle of different spirits or a box of exotic candies or nuts? They don't have to be the same; maybe Johnny likes cashews and Susan chocolates.

Webby has found that if she sets a theme (say books), it is easier and more fun to decide which book fits which person than wandering the stores aimlessly.

Music is another good theme.

Notice that Webby is not suggesting anything that requires size, is very heavy or hard to wrap.

Because you have a theme does not mean you haven't given each individual a lot of thought, as to their taste, likes and dislikes.

Scarves, gloves and pins are practical yet very holidayish (Webbys own made up word). Pins for the ladies and ties for the men are great and so light and easy to wrap.

Are you picking up on the fact that Webby is not a good wrapper?

Have you checked out gadgets? Gadgets for the kitchen, car, yard, work. If you are talented in crafts or cooking this type of gift is so special. The giving of your time means so much more to people especially people who do not have needs.

Webby was given a crochet wreath several Christmases ago and it reminds me of my cousin who made it each year as it is brought out. This year it will be even more special as she recently went back to God.

Webby wonders why it is so easy for her to give you ideas and so hard for her to find just the right gift herself?

Hope you have better luck than she. Remember to enjoy the season and that the reason for the gift is to share and make happy not to impress.

And let's not forget the reason for the season

Good luck,


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